What I learned from watching the solar eclipse

Did you watch the total solar eclipse on Monday?

Here in Boston, we didn't get to see a total solar eclipse. But even seeing a 92% solar eclipse was an amazing experience. I want to share a bit about what I saw and the unexpected lesson I took away from it.

So there I was, eclipse glasses in hand, ready for a dramatic dimming of the light. But you know what caught me by surprise? It never really got dark.

Instead, it dimmed down, kind of like how it looks when the sun is setting, but it happens way quicker. The shadows got really sharp and looked kind of odd. The temperature dropped.

It's pretty surreal — everything's still visible but under this soft, muted lighting that makes it all look just a bit off, like a scene from a movie. It’s not full-on dark, more like that light during late dusk, just enough to see everything in a different way.

It got me thinking ... even when life throws us challenges and we feel hopeless, there’s always a sliver of light, hope, or positivity that manages to shine through.

Just as the moon couldn't fully block the sun's light, our problems don't have the power to completely overshadow our lives unless we let them.

There’s a resilience in us, a constant light, that can shine through the darkest times if we remember to look for it.

Maybe it’s enjoying a morning cup of coffee, a chat with a friend, or just a moment of focusing on your breath. It’s there, waiting to be seen, even when things seem overwhelming.

So next time life feels a bit too much, remember the eclipse.

Remember how, even with the sun mostly hidden, we were still surrounded by light. Even during the shadows, the light was there.

I hope this gives you a bit of a boost and helps you see the light in your own life, especially on the tougher days.

Don't let the shadows win!

If you watched the solar eclipse, what was your experience like? Let me know.


P.S. Just a reminder that I offer pre-recorded yoga classes for rent on my website. Why don't you try one this weekend?

For Women 45+ Wanting to Live a More Energized and Less Stressed Life!

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