How to breathe through the tough stuff

Have you ever heard that saying, "Breathe through it, and release anything that does not serve you"?

This isn't just a quote; it's your secret weapon for those moments when you feel like you're barely keeping your head above water and are about to turn into Godzilla: your to-do list is miles long, your furbaby keeps throwing up, and you cannot shake that cough you've been fighting for over a week. Or maybe you're in the middle of an argument with your loved one.

This is where this quote comes in handy. It's like hitting the pause button.

By focusing on your breath, you're giving yourself a moment to step back, calm down, and let go of the stress or negativity that's not doing you any favors.

Here's the best part: integrating this into your life is as easy as, well, breathing. Here's how you can start:

Find Your Quiet Corner: Step away from the noise and find a spot where you can have a moment of peace, even if it's just for a minute.

Breathe Deeply: Close your eyes (if that feels right) and draw a deep breath in through your nose; then let it out through your mouth, maybe with an audible sigh. Repeat 2-3 times. Imagine all that stress and tension leaving your body with each exhale.

Reflect and Release: While you're in this space, think about what's been bothering you. With each breath out, picture yourself letting go of these burdens, piece by piece.

So, next time you're feeling overwhelmed, remember: just breathe through it (and maybe grab a pint of ice cream or a jar of Nutella 😉).



P.S. If you'd like a reminder of this quote on your desk, check out this engraved inspirational rock.

For Women 45+ Wanting to Live a More Energized and Less Stressed Life!

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